
In December 2020, 在开发计划署10年审查周期结束时, 我们的认证机构——高等教育委员会(HLC)——重申yzcca88游戏登录网址继续满足其认证标准, 自1914年首次审查以来,我们一直自豪地保持着这一荣誉.

DU is on the “Open Pathway,这是机构维持HLC认证的三种选择之一. 它以10年为一个周期,重点是质量保证和体制改进. 开放通道的独特之处在于它的改进部分, the Quality Initiative, 为机构提供机会,以追求改进项目,以满足其当前的需要和愿望.





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    Spring Quarter:

    HLC Steering Committee and Working Groups Compile First Draft of Assurance Arguments

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    Summer 2019: 


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    Fall 2019 - Spring 2020


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    Summer 2020


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    Early Fall 2020: 

    Finalize Details for HLC Campus Visit

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    October 19-20, 2020:

    Campus Visit by HLC Peer Reviewers


  • Regular Monitoring

    机构提交年度机构更新, 由HLC审核以监控组织运行状况的哪些内容, comply with certain federal requirements, 并确定任何可能需要HLC跟进的变化. HLC还将酌情将变革过程应用于计划的机构发展, 并将通过报告监督各机构, 访问和其他委员会认为适当的方式.

  • Year 4: Assurance Review

    机构完成保证审查,以确保他们继续符合HLC的认证标准. 机构提供文档,说明它如何实现每个标准和核心组件. 同行评议小组对这些材料进行评估,并建议该机构是否应继续进行循环或是否需要额外的监测. HLC的机构行动理事会(IAC)对该建议进行审查并采取正式行动.

  • Years 5 - 9: Quality Initiative

    机构设计并实施质量倡议项目. HLC同行审稿人批准初始项目提案, 以及项目成果的报告.

  • Year 10: Comprehensive Evaluation


    机构经过全面的评估,以确保他们符合认证标准, 追求制度改进,并遵守美国法律规定的某些要求.S. Department of Education. 这一审查导致了一个yzcca88游戏登录网址机构的认证的重申行动.

    More About Comprehensive Evaluation:

    HLC对成员机构进行全面评估,以确认该机构继续符合认证标准, 正在寻求制度改进,并符合美国政府的要求.S. Department of Education. 评估由同行评审小组进行.


campus aerial shot

Curious About Our Plans for the Future?

探索DU IMPACT 2025,我们对未来高等教育的愿景.


Assurance Argument Goals

HLC进行保证审查,以确定机构是否继续符合认证标准, every 4 and 10 years. yzcca88游戏登录网址正在接近我们的10年审查,目前正在起草保证论据并为我们2020年的综合评估收集证据. 保证论据详细说明了大学如何满足HLC规定的标准, using materials such as websites, policies, reports and more as evidence. 评审准则如下:

  • Criterion 1: Mission
    • The institution’s mission is clear and articulated publicly; it guides the institution’s operations.
  • 标准2:诚信:道德和负责任的行为
    • The institution acts with integrity; its conduct is ethical and responsible.
  • 标准3:教与学:质量、资源和支持
    • 该机构提供高质量的教育,无论在哪里,以何种方式提供.
  • 标准4:教与学:评价与改进
    • 该机构对其教育项目的质量负责, learning environments, and support services, 它通过旨在促进持续改进的过程来评估它们对学生学习的有效性.
  • 标准5:资源、规划和制度有效性
    • The institution’s resources, structures, 过程足以完成它的使命, 提高教育质量, 并应对未来的挑战和机遇. The institution plans for the future.

学校将提交两份保证论据和一份证据文件, 在与校园利益相关者进行了大量磋商后,于2020年夏天使用HLC的在线保证系统, including faculty, staff and students. Prior to DU’s campus visit, 一组同行评议人员以相应的证据评估保证论证,就该机构是否符合认可标准提出建议.

After the visit, HLC内部的一个决策机构审查大学的材料和同行评议小组的建议,并采取正式行动.

Accreditation Committees

  • Gaps Analysis Group


    Name Title
    Casey Dinger 国际事务临时副教务长 
    Adrienne Gonzales 世界语言和文化中心主任
    Clint Emmerich Assistant Provost, Budget and Analysis
    Keith Miller 研究生教育临时副教务长 
    Michele Hanna 社会工作研究生院副教授
    Richard Colby 助理主任,一年级写作,教学教授,写作项目
    Chip Reichardt Professor, Psychology 
    Christina Paguyo Director, Academic Assessment
    Allison Friederichs 大学学院副院长、教学副教授
    Sarah Hoffman Assistant Provost, Student Success
    Deigan Silver 传媒、电影与新闻学副教授,中国电影学会理事
    Kimberly Bender Interim Associate Provost for Research
    Lory-Ann Varela 文化、准入和过渡项目临时执行主任


  • Criterion 1: Mission

    使命委员会负责确保大学的使命, which guides our operations, is clear and articulated publicly. 感谢以下人员为标准1起草了最初的论据:

    Name Title Unit
    Kristin Deal Interim Director Office of Diversity and Inclusion
    Cara DiEnno Associate Director 促进学术和学习的社区参与中心
    Allana Forte Assistant Vice Chancellor Enrollment
    Garret Glass Assistant Director, Production Newman Center
    Theresa Hernandez* 助理副校长,负责校园合作 Information Technology
    Darrin Hicks* Professor, Communication Studies 艺术、人文和社会科学学院
    Madeline Phipps Sr. Media Relations Specialist 市场及传播学系
    Audrey Schiavone Teaching Assistant Professor Writing Program

    * — Committee chairs

  • Criterion 2: Integrity

    诚信委员会负责确保大学诚信行事,并确保我们的行为合乎道德和负责任. 感谢以下人员为标准2起草了最初的论证:

    Name Title Unit
    Sarah Buenavidez Associate Director, Graduate Enrollment Graduate Education
    Brian Gonzales Clinical Assistant Professor Graduate School of Social Work
    Niki Latino Associate Vice Chancellor Campus Life and Inclusive Excellence
    Jerron Lowe Director, Human Resource Partnerships Human Resources and Inclusive Community
    Timothy Sisk* Professor 约瑟夫·科贝尔国际研究学院 
    Tiffany Wen Director Internal Audit
    Paul Kosempel* 教学副教授,先锋领导生活和学习社区 Pioneer Leadership Program
    Audry LaCrone Communications Manager Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

    * — Committee chairs

  • 标准3:教与学——质量、资源和支持

    The Teaching and Learning — Quality, 资源及支援委员会负责确保大学提供高质素的教育, 无论我们的产品在哪里以何种方式交付. 感谢以下人员为标准3起草了最初的论证:

    Name Title Unit
    Ayla Engelhart Associate Director, Student Outreach Campus Life and Inclusive Excellence
    Brian Gearity* Director, MA Coach and Sport Ed 专业心理学研究生院
    Anthea Johnson Rooen Director, College Access and Pipeline Campus Life and Inclusive Excellence
    Richard Colby Teaching Associate Professor Writing Program
    Luc Beaudoin Vice Chancellor for Internationalization Office of Internationalization
    Virginia Pitts Director, University Teaching Office of Teaching and Learning
    Adrienne Gonzales Interim Director World Languages and Cultures
    Ingrid Tague* Associate Dean 艺术、人文和社会科学学院

    * — Committee chairs

  • 标准4:教与学——评价与改进

    教与学-评估和改进委员会负责确保大学对我们的教育项目的质量负责, 学习环境和支持服务. 该委员会还评估了这些项目的有效性, 通过旨在促进持续改进的过程为学生提供学习环境和服务. 感谢以下人员为标准4起草了最初的论证:

    Name Title Unit
    Jennifer Anderson Associate Director, CPD Info and Systems Career and Professional Development
    Michael Brent 哲学系助理教授 艺术、人文和社会科学学院
    Michelle Kruse-Crocker Teaching Associate Professor University College
    Christina Paguyo Director, Academic Assessment Office of Teaching and Learning
    Maggie Red* 副院长,项目和合作伙伴 Colorado Women's College
    Nancy Sasaki Teaching Professor Natural Sciences and Mathematics
    Rachel Walsh 语言文学系副教授 艺术、人文和社会科学学院
    Kate Willink* Faculty Director Office of Teaching and Learning

    * — Committee chairs

  • 标准5:资源、规划和制度有效性

    The Resources, 规划及制度效益委员会的职责是确保大学的资源, 结构和流程足以完成我们的使命, 提高教育质量,应对未来的挑战和机遇. 感谢以下人员为标准5起草了最初的论据:

    Name Title Unit
    Emily Allen Program Coordinator Pioneer Leadership Program
    Don Bacon Professor, Marketing Daniels College of Business
    Linda Kosten* Vice Provost Planning and Budget
    Leandra Martinez Assistant Controller Controller's Office
    Chip Reichardt* Professor, Psychology 艺术、人文和社会科学学院
    Keith Rhodes Teaching Assistant Professor Writing Program
    James Rosner Associate Vice Chancellor Facilities
    Shannon Seales Learning and Development Consultant Human Resources and Inclusive Community

    * — Committee chairs

  • Planning Committee
    • Jennifer Karas,教务长 
    • Alex Lustig, Project Manager