
欢迎来到DU社区! We are excited to have you join us as a transfer student at DU. Transitioning to a new institution is a significant milestone, and we're here to ensure you have all the support you need to succeed.

从2024年6月17日开始, new transfer students can schedule individual advising meetings to review credits and discuss course options. You should have also received an email with directions on how to schedule your meeting.  如果您没有收到此电子邮件,请联系 advising@chinaartune.com.  After meeting with an Academic Advisor, you will be cleared to register for Autumn quarter. New 转学生 秋季学期的报名时间为2024年7月22日至26日.

Before you can register for classes, it's important that you meet with an academic advisor. This meeting will help you navigate your new academic journey at DU and set you up for success. To prepare for your advising appointment, please review the information below. 

If you need any assistance or have questions, feel free to reach out to us at advising@chinaartune.com at any time. 我们的整个顾问团队都在这里支持你. 



  • 第一步:预约个人咨询会议(必选)

    登记 for transfer students can be an exciting and stressful time. In order to ensure a smooth and transparent registration process, the Office of 学术顾问 will be reaching out to students in mid-June inviting you to book an appointment. The link to book an appointment will be in your invitation email. 

    启动 2024年6月17日 transfer students can schedule individual meetings to review credits and discuss course options. After meeting with an Academic Advisor, students will be cleared to register for Autumn quarter. 秋季学期的报名时间为2024年7月22日至26日.

    Review and complete the "Prepare for an individual Advising Meeting" actions in the next section. 

  • Step 2: Watch 登记 Informational Videos (Required)

    看短片 的视频 that will guide you through the mechanics of preparing for registration, 完成DU的计费协议, 如何注册课程和创建课程计划.

Prepare for your individual Advising Meeting by Completing the Following:

  • Complete Discoveries Fall Experience - 学术顾问 & 学生成功画布模块

    The Canvas module includes important information about the Common Curriculum, 学术顾问, 注册准备. 至少用2个小时来完成这个模块. Taking your time with this module will set you up for success at DU!


  • 申请AP/IB成绩
    • Request that your AP Scores (if applicable) be sent to DU through the AP Portal (校号为4842) 
    • IB graduates (if applicable) request your transcripts be sent directly to yzcca88游戏登录网址 through the IB Portal.
  • 回顾你的学位审核 MyDU for a Detailed Evaluation

    回顾你的学位审核 MyDU for a detailed evaluation of your progress toward degree completion.

    Resource: 学位审核:快速入门指南

    Resource: 学位审核:学生指南

  • 观看针对大学的咨询视频
  • 参加语言分班考试


    • Students who are continuing to study a language they started learning prior to DU take a placement test to determine their starting course level. Transfer students should speak with an Academic Advisor if they have transfer language credit and next steps. 
    • Some degree programs are exempt from the language requirement which includes the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) and all Engineering degree programs. Students with these declared degree types do not need to take the proficiency placement test.
    • 接触cwlc@chinaartune.com for questions regarding your placement test results. 
    • Some 转学 may have already completed the language requirement with incoming transfer credit. Review your degree audit or confirm with an Academic Advisor if this requirement has been met. 
  • 使用数学指导工具

    Use the 数学辅导工具 to determine the appropriate math course for your program/degree type. 

    Transfer students should speak with an Academic Advisor if they have transfer math credit and next steps.

    这个数学指导工具是为所有即将ca88登录正确网址的学生准备的. 这取决于他们想要的专业, 转学数学课程和其他考虑, 数学辅导工具会指出是哪门数学课, if any, is required. If MATH 1200 (Calculus for Business and Social Sciences) or MATH 1951 (Calculus I) is required, the math advising tool will administer a math proficiency survey (approximately 45 minutes and 20 algebra questions) to test the level of preparation for these courses – the score will be recorded and students will receive a recommendation concerning math courses by email in early July. In order to ensure that you can register for the appropriate math class during New Student 登记 in late July, 完成的最后期限 数学辅导工具 is July 1.


    • Biochemistry
    • 所有生物科学专业
    • 商科(所有学位)
    • Chemistry
    • 计算机工程
    • 计算机科学
    • 生态学与生物多样性
    • 电气工程
    • 环境化学
    • 环境科学(B).S. 学位)
    • 综合科学
    • Mathematics
    • 机械工程
    • 分子生物学
    • Physics
  • Review a Sample Course Plan for your Major Area of Interest
  • 观看教学注册视频

    Watch the 教学注册视频 学习如何浏览我们的注册系统

  • 完成 Billing agreement and Submit Proof of Immunization

    完成 计费协议 and 提交免疫接种证明 以确保您可以注册.

    Incomplete forms can result in holds on your account which will prevent registration


登记 & 建议ca88登录正确网址

有关注册的问题,请联系 imsoconfused@chinaartune.com 或致电303-871-4095.

For questions about advising or course planning, contact advising@chinaartune.com.

We look forward to helping you as you plan for Fall quarter!