
ca88登录正确网址的众多课程中进行选择可能是一个令人生畏的过程, 但我们是来帮忙的! The 民政事务总署 Registrar can assist you as you work to ensure you're able to find the courses that will best serve your educational goals. We can also help make sure you're able to construct your schedule in a manner that allows you to maximize your time here at DU.

网上课程表 提供每个课程的详细信息. 课程提供的信息包括课程编号, 课程名称, 计划交付类型(i.e.,讲座,实验室,距离等.)会议日期和时间, 会议地点, instructor, 招生数量, 先决条件, 登记的限制, 与课程相关的任何费用, and any other information the department feels beneficial for students to know prior to registering.


  • number-1-icon

    要开始查找课程供应,您必须首先选择要查看的术语. 确保你选择了正确的学期和年份. College of Law courses are listed under Semester; all other courses are listed under Quarter or Interterm.

  • number-2-icon

    选择至少一个主题来开始搜索. Multiple subjects can be selected by hold the CTRL key and clicking on each additional subject you want to view.

  • number-3-icon

    缩小搜索范围, 你也可以写上课程编号, title, 计划类型, 学时范围, 课程级别, instructor, attribute, 开始和结束时间, or days.

  • number-4-icon


课程时间表列表页面显示符合您搜索条件的所有部分. The listing includes basic schedule information including notes, instructor name and email link. 每个类的标题都是指向附加信息的链接. This information includes restrictions, 先决条件, enrollment capacity and seat availability. You may access the course catalog entry (course description) from either the Class Schedule Listing (by clicking on the course title) or Detailed Class Information page (by clicking on "View Catalog Entry").



The 计划类型 of a course distinguishes the instructional delivery mechanism (modality) for a course. 例如,在线课程在远程交付机制中呈现.

  • Lecture

    有组织的教师主导的课堂教学. 讲座课程可能包括各种教学方法,如讨论和课堂报告. Generally one hour of classroom instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work per week.

  • 在线/距离

    A course in which all or nearly all of the organized instruction is conducted online or by distance learning methodologies.

    在线异步 交付意味着100%的教学以在线形式进行, 但该课程不需要现场虚拟会议. 学生每周都有参与的时间框架, 但他们也可以根据课程要求随时投稿. 一些异步课程可能提供可选的实时会话,如桌面视频聊天, but live, 不需要实时的课堂会议. 这些课程是在线的,没有会议时间.

    网络同步 交付意味着100%的教学以在线形式进行. 这些类, however, 要求学生在指定的时间进行在线教学, 学生演讲, 或者其他实时活动. Synchronous online classes have no campus meeting place; rather, 学生从校外地点登录到在线教室. 这些课程在网上注明,并安排了会议时间.

  • 结合/混合方法

    A course in which online (or other distance) instruction is combined with face-to-face instruction, 在哪里面对面教学的很大一部分被在线教学取代.

    混合异步 在线交付是指每周一次或多次的会议时间被在线交付所取代.

    Hybrid synchronous delivery means one or more weekly lectures are replaced by online live instruction.


  • 习题课/讨论

    在课堂教学之外,定期安排讨论, 但通常安排在比讲座更小的小组中. This type of instruction is only offered in combination with lecture and may not be used as the only type of instruction for a course.

  • Seminar

    以背诵(双向交流)的形式组织教师主导的课堂教学. 通常用于较小的部分.

  • Laboratory

    Laboratory experiences (academic or clinical) that require special-purpose equipment for student participation, 实验, 实践:在某一研究领域的观察或实践. May involve discussion of a forthcoming laboratory or review of a completed laboratory session. Includes scheduled laboratory periods as well as laboratory experiences for which times may be selected by individual students.

    Vocational or technical labs constitute instructional activities involving training for employment in a work-like environment with active faculty teaching role. 在法学院,实验室是一种模拟的实践体验.

  • Studio

    An organized method of instruction with emphasis on the synthesizing nature of the design process and conducted through critique and one-to-one interactions. E.g.、绘画、雕塑等由教师组织的实验室式活动.

  • 音乐个人指导


  • 室内乐乐团

    小的合奏(如.g., 弦乐四重奏, 木管五重奏, 铜管五重奏, 爵士组合)接受不是由教师进行的教师指导.

  • 音乐合奏或表演


  • 临床或实习

    A faculty-supervised training and educational experience where the student is working in a field setting.

  • 实习、实习或合作教育

    Supervised experience in an area of specialization that may be conducted either on- or off-campus with the student making periodic reports to the instructor. 包括实习、实习、学生教学和合作工作经验.

  • 独立学习或研究

    Independent projects or research such as special problems or special topics in which the student works more or less individually at various locations, 通常需要与教练进行间歇性咨询.

  • 定向学习或研究

    Used where a regular catalog course is offered individually to a single student in a term the catalog course is not offered. 也可用于由讲师指导的特定研究任务.


因为必须选择主题代码, it helps to know the correct subject of the course an instructor is teaching in order to find courses taught by the desired instructor. If you are unsure, you can select multiple subjects before selecting an instructor from the list.


为公共课程使用属性 & 多学科课程

使用属性有助于缩小选项范围以满足特定需求, such as finding undergraduate courses that count in the Common Curriculum or courses that fulfill requirements for interdisciplinary majors and minors.



  1. 输入课程时间表并选择所需的学期.
  2. 在主题框中,选择第一个主题(会计).
    • PC users: depress the shift key on your keyboard and scroll to and select the last subject (Writing).
    • Mac users: simultaneously depress the command and shift keys on your keyboard and scroll to and select the last subject (Writing). 注意:框内的所有主题将被高亮显示.
  3. 在网页底部的属性类型框中选择所需的属性.


  1. 输入课程时间表并选择所需的学期.
  2. 在主题框中,选择第一个需要的主题.
    • PC用户:按下键盘上的控制键,选择所需的其他科目.
    • Mac用户:按下键盘上的命令键并选择其他主题.
  3. 在网页底部的属性类型框中选择所需的属性.


  • 本科通识课程
    • Analytical Inquiry: Natural – course that fulfills the Ways of Knowing Analytical Inquiry: Natural and Physical World Common Curriculum requirements.
    • Analytical Inquiry: Society – course that fulfills the Ways of Knowing Analytical Inquiry: Society and Culture Common Curriculum requirements.
    • Arts & Humanities Foundations – course that fulfills former Arts and Humanities University Core requirements.
    • Natural Sciences Foundations – course that fulfills former Natural Sciences University Core requirements.
    • Scientific Inquiry: Natural – course that fulfills the Ways of Knowing Scientific Inquiry: Natural and Physical World Common Curriculum requirements.
    • Scientific Inquiry: Society – course that fulfills the Ways of Knowing Scientific Inquiry: Society and Culture Common Curriculum requirements.
    • Math/Comp Science Foundations – course that fulfills former Math and Computer Science University Core requirements.
    • Social Sciences Foundations – course that fulfills former Social Sciences University Core requirements.
  • 跨学科专业或辅修
    • 亚洲研究
    • 性别与妇女研究
    • 跨文化全球研究
    • 犹太人的研究
    • Socio-Legal研究
    • 可持续性
    • Tourism
    • 城市研究
  • 专业课程
    • 荣誉课程:为满足荣誉课程要求而提供的课程.
    • 服务学习—包含服务学习内容的课程.
    • 写作强化:满足写作强化要求的课程.
    • 女子学院-确定女子学院的班级.
